An investigation into the application and results of flipped classroom techniques in science education through a comprehensive literature review.
Science education is acknowledged as a significant and demanding matter linked to national advancement. Numerous organizations, including the National Research Council (NRC), Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), National Science Education Standards (NSES), Association for Science Education (ASE), International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA), are working to enhance the global standard of science education. Current educational research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects consistently engages with student-centered teaching methodologies [1] [2][3]. These approaches aid students in developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, moving beyond the mere provision of professional courses aimed solely at nurturing scientists. The flipped classroom paradigm is a prime example of a student-centered educational approach that has emerged in recent years as an alternative to the conventional classroom method. Over the past decade, the flipped classroom approach has found application across various STEM disciplines educational levels, and academic institutions worldwide [4]. The concept of 'flipping' originates from the idea of transitioning between traditional classroom instruction and independent at-home learning. This approach also includes in-class engagements to facilitate student-teacher interactions. Rather than passively absorbing concepts during class time, students familiarize themselves with the subject matter before the class [5]. These pre-class learning activities equip students for in-class learning and the research results showed that pre-class learning reduces the cognitive load among students during the in-class sessions. Both the pre-class and in-class learning frameworks focus on active learning methodologies like problem-solving and enhance students' conceptual understanding of the subject. Students were directed to engage in pre-class learning activities using online resources at home before attending class. Subsequently, the in-class time allotted for practical exercises, debates, discussions, quizzes, collaborative tasks, and the application of concepts [6]. With technology-enhanced educational methods, flipped learning stands out as an innovative and efficacious approach to teaching and learning science [7] [8]. The flipped classroom has gained popularity as a preferred pedagogical model, employing more suitable technology in both higher education institutions and K-12 educational settings. Though the flip in learning was practiced by researchers earlier [9], the current form of flipped classroom framework was popularized by two chemistry teachers namely Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams from Woodland Park High School in Colorado, United States [10]. Despite being attributed to various terms such as "inverted classroom" [11] [12], and "reverse classroom" [13], etc., the fundamental framework of flipped pedagogy remains consistent worldwide. However, the specific procedures employed for at-home and in-class activities exhibit variations. In the latter part of 2010, several studies confirmed that teachers had increased time during class to engage with students and provide guidance for deeper learning and applying concepts [14][15]. The flipped pedagogy offers additional advantages, including its independence from the specific subject domain. As a result, it has been effectively employed across a wide range of subjects in STEM, and more. Furthermore, researchers implemented this approach in both smaller and larger class settings [16] [17]. The students find it convenient to store, repeat, review, and share digital learning materials at their own pace. Because of pre-class activities, the interactions between students and teachers were more effective in addressing students' misconceptions or incomplete understandings and developing their academic performances. In recent times, there has been a notable increase in the utilization of flipped learning applications, particularly within science education research [18]. Substantial research reported so far on the efficacy of flipped learning across various academic disciplines. This article collects data from recent studies to assist researchers in implementing flipped teaching methods in their science courses and understanding the outcomes.
The foundational objective of this article is to contribute to an enhanced understanding of the flipped learning approach in the context of science education. The purpose of this study is to address several research inquiries about the implementation of flipped learning in science education. The fundamental components and implementation strategies of flipped science courses from recently reported research studies were investigated. This supports educators in designing a flipped science education model that promotes students’ engagement and motivation towards learning science. The study investigates the following research questions (RQ):
RQ1: What specific educational materials and technological resources were utilized in recent research studies to create pre-class assignments for flipped science courses?
RQ2: What learning tasks and approaches were utilized in recent research studies to facilitate in-class student participation in flipped science education?
RQ3: What outcomes did science educators observe when employing the flipped classroom approach in science education?
The impact of flipped pedagogy on science education has significant attention in the field of educational research. This study seeks to comprehensively assess the influence of flipped pedagogy on science teaching and learning through an extensive literature review. The research reports were selected according to PRISMA guidelines [19], and the databases and resources used are detailed in Figure 1. A diverse range of sources was analyzed for the study, including journal articles, conference proceedings, and online materials, to offer an insightful overview of the current knowledge landscape. The survey was conducted through searches across databases like the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. To find relevant literature, various keywords were used like 'flipped classroom in science education', 'flipped science course', 'flipped learning in physics, chemistry, biology education', 'benefits of flipped pedagogy in science learning', and 'flipped pedagogy in miscellaneous science courses'. Moreover, backward literature searches were also carried out to identify related research articles for inclusion. The selected research studies for discussion were confined to peer-reviewed journals and were filtered based on specific criteria such as domain/subject area, implementation methods, research designs, and evaluation approaches adopted in the field of science education. According to PRISMA guidelines (Figure 1), 839 research studies were collected from four different databases. Upon the elimination of duplicate studies, a set of 386 studies was screened for the next step. The selected articles were reviewed by titles and abstracts which led to the exclusion of 228 articles based on criteria mentioned in Figure 1. After carefully scrutinizing the remaining 158 texts, 12 studies were added through backward reference, and 98 studies were found not to meet the criteria for the study. As a result, a final selection of 72 research articles was considered for inclusion in this review. These research articles were published from 2011 to 2023 (Figure 2)
PRISMA flow chart summarizing the literature search process
Publication years of the research reports included in this study
The research studies analysis is a major method employed for the examination, comparison, and categorization of the reported data. A document was created using Microsoft Word to enable the systematic analysis of all the research reports under consideration. This document covered key elements of the studies such as the publication year, research methodology, sample characteristics, and other relevant categories concerning the outcomes of the studies. Each article was methodically assessed and the document was completed accordingly. Later, the information was arranged based on the manuscript design, and tabulations with the categories were generated using Microsoft Excel.
Flipped pedagogy stands as a prominent student-centered learning approach in science education. The move from teacher-centered to student-centered science education was backed by evidence that student-centered learning activities boost students’ higher-order cognitive skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative thinking. This transformation in approach was emphasized in the context of science learning [20]. The concept of the flipped classroom gained extensive adoption across key science subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, and their related domains. Educators in the field of science connected diverse technologies tailored to their circumstances to establish the flipped learning framework [8]. These advances in technologies helped teachers to effectively deliver their content, and research findings showed that the flipped learning activities enhanced students’ engagement and motivation towards learning science [21]. The role of the instructor in designing both pre-class and in-class learning components was considered to be more critical to effectively implementing a successful flipped science course. Furthermore, teachers must possess technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) to craft learning materials for both pre-class and in-class activities that are crucial for the seamless execution of a flipped science course [22]. Beyond devising learning activities and supporting student involvement, it is essential to adopt appropriate assessment strategies, to measure student learning outcomes. The existing flipped course reports also assist the instructors in framing methodologies for their study. The literature showed that the implementation of the flipped classroom model in science education was predominantly centered on undergraduate levels, with a limited search of school-level science learning. This discrepancy might be because of the ease of assigning pre-learning tasks to undergraduates compared to school-level students. In the flipped classroom model, students were tasked with acquiring a foundational grasp of the subject beforehand, often achieved by watching online videos or reading texts before attending class sessions. This setup allowed class time to be dedicated to valuable teacher-student interactions, collaborative problem-solving, and peer discussions, all built upon the foundation of pre-class activities. This approach facilitated better personalized attention from teachers to individual students, offering additional support to those encountering difficulties. This main advantage stands as a symbol of the flipped classroom framework, leading many science educators to adopt and subsequently report improved academic achievements among their students.
Implementing a flipped classroom model constitutes a multifaceted effort. The instructor must dedicate substantial time before the course commencement to create/choose pre-class videos and design interactive in-class learning tasks. Pre-class assignments play a critical role in encouraging active engagement during science learning, enabling instructors to assess students' understanding level of concepts and tailor content accordingly. These assignments involved activities such as watching videos, engaging with simulations, or reading text, often supplemented with questions/quizzes to be answered by students. The instructors consistently monitor the quality of students' responses to these assignments and also use them to refine subsequent in-class learning activities. The planning of pre-class activities is a critical phase in ensuring a successful flipped science course, influencing students' learning outcomes and their overall engagement in science learning. According to Bishop and Verleger [23], a classroom is only considered truly "flipped" when the students’ study materials before class are automated. This means that just reading an article or watching a lecture video without doing interactive exercises does not count as a flipped class setup. Researchers highlighted the significance of pre-class learning as a crucial phase in physics education [24]. This phase grants students the chance to actively construct knowledge and adapt new information into their existing cognitive frameworks. Yu and colleagues [25] employed micro-videos as pre-class learning resources in their flipped chemistry course designed for secondary school students. These micro-videos incorporate theoretical concepts with chemical experimental phenomena, thereby enhancing students' depth of understanding. The foundational knowledge acquired by students before class provides sufficient time becomes available for collaborative problem-solving sessions with teachers. The flipped teaching model also proved highly beneficial for science educators during the COVID-19 pandemic period. During the pandemic, in an undergraduate-level flipped biology course[26], the instructors closely monitored students' engagement with pre-class activities through the edX platform ( This platform, a massive open online course (MOOC) provider developed by Harvard University and The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was employed for this purpose. In this study, the researchers found viewership rates were generally lower during holidays and extended breaks due to reduced academic demands, while they experienced very low and higher view rates before scheduled exams. Similarly in another biology course during the pandemic [27], the pre-recorded lectures and resources were posted on the learning management system Brightspace ( for students to learn on their own. To enhance student engagement in pre-class learning, educators adopted various strategies, including the utilization of game-based learning. In a study [28], the Moodle platform ( was used for gamification learning at undergraduate-level physics courses. In this course, a narrative based on household power consumption, and traditional contents about resistors and electricity were taught in pre-class activities. The authors also claimed that this flipped learning with games enhanced students’ engagement and academic knowledge. Similarly, Asiksoy [29] examined the effects of a gamified flipped classroom environment (GFCE) on students’ achievements in physics courses. In this course, the students expressed that the GFCE enhanced their motivation and engagement toward the topics of mechanics, dynamics, and components in physics. Most teachers use online videos as pre-class learning resources, available on online platforms. However, students could face challenges in accessing the internet for their at-home assignments. Notably, there is a case where teachers distributed learning materials through flash drives to avoid internet dependency [30]. Researchers also used online platforms like Edpuzzle ( to incorporate their pre-class videos with relevant quizzes[31]. The literature emphasizes the importance of creating custom videos for a flipped course. In a study conducted by Robinson et al. [32] in a flipped introductory physics course, pre-recorded traditional classroom videos were used as pre-class material. The results of this study showed no significant differences in students' performance before and after the course was flipped. This is why many researchers made explicit videos for their flipped courses [33]. In some studies, both videos and text/readings were provided to students for pre-class learning. Two professors from an institution developed scripted screencast video lectures to captivate students and facilitate their in-depth understanding of unit content [34]. These lectures followed a constructivist approach, addressing prevalent misconceptions, demonstrations, and scenarios and the students accessed these videos via an unlisted YouTube link. Similarly in a chemistry course, [35] used the YouTube channel "DrVChem" ( as an online platform to assign pre-class videos. The authors created 58 scripted and edited videos, which allowed instructors to explain a topic in less time compared to a traditional lecture. This approach also provided significantly more time for sample problems during class time compared to a traditional lecture with active learning elements. Instructors adopting the flipped classroom approach require proficiency in software/technologies to develop instructional videos for their courses. If they find themselves lacking these essential skills, they have the option to delegate this task to external sources. Alternatively, they can use pre-existing open-source videos or interactive tools as part of their flipped classroom strategy. Augmented reality (AR) technology was also skilfully combined into a flipped chemistry course to elucidate the organic molecule structure and reactivity [36]. Likewise, Franco and Provencher [37] adopted a multifaceted approach by employing a multitouch book enriched with textual content, videos, visual representations created through ChemDraw software, and interactive quizzes. This strategic utilization substantially enhanced student learning within an organic chemistry course. In a physical therapy degree course [38], students were tasked with watching a series of concise lecture videos produced by the instructor before attending class sessions. These videos were generated using Camtasia Studio 8, a software developed by TechSmith Corp. based in Okemos, MI. In another research [39], the biology course instructor created lecture recordings involving voice-over narration of PowerPoint slides using Adobe Presenter 11.1. Both the videos and slides were then made available on the Moodle learning management system, accessible one week ahead of the designated classroom discussion. Muñoz-Merino et al. [40] study was unique in that it is the combination of Khan Academy ( - into a physics course for flipping and using the MOOC’s gamification tools. The teachers are also keen on monitoring the pre-class activities and assessing the understanding levels among students. This investigation is essential because a lack of success in pre-class activities could potentially result in student dissonance during in-class sessions. In a chemistry course [41], the authors made their videos on an Apple iPad using Explain Everything software ( and uploaded them to the video-sharing platform Vimeo ( The assignment questions were also uploaded to the same platform to estimate the students’ understanding level before class. Aligned with this, Jensen and co-workers [42] recorded the video lectures featuring two biology instructors, following the script of interactive tutorials and textbook-style readings. Students earned credit by viewing the video (tracked through the weblink), without mandatory interaction with the material. The flipped classroom technique is also implemented for physics teacher education research [43] and the learning resources were accessed through an interactive digital learning resource called LearningBits. The pre-class learning in the flipped classroom framework also happened only with reading text. For example, Deslauriers et al. [44] implemented the flipped model with text reading as pre-class learning for one section of an introductory physics course, finding that students in the flipped section performed twice as well on an exam than those in the traditional sections. Along with the lectures and theoretical concepts, laboratory courses and proficiency in instrumentation techniques also stand as essential components of science education. Fung [45] innovatively employed the flipped framework to eliminate anxiety among first-year college students regarding equipment operation and glassware handling. Within this course, foundational insights into laboratory experiments and instrument manipulation were recorded and repurposed as preparatory resources for the students before their sessions. In a separate investigation [46], the utilization of flipped pedagogy was employed to enhance student readiness for anatomy laboratory dissection. In this approach, students gained access to pre-laboratory materials online, encompassing dissection videos, pivotal atlas illustrations, concise written directives, and 3D anatomy model presentations. As a result, the time previously allocated to these sessions was reallocated to facilitate advanced integrative group activities following the dissection phase. Despite the widespread adoption of the flipped classroom in chemistry education, the application of the flipped classroom approach to analytical chemistry courses and laboratory modules remains limited, as evidenced by the works of Teo et al. [47], Fung [45], and Esson [48]. Gomez-Tejedor et al. [49] described the impact of flipped pedagogy on the students’ performances in their physics laboratory practices. In this study the pre-class learning resources, assignments, quizzes, and tests were uploaded to the university's online platform and the students learned the experimental and equipment handling procedures through these videos. In summary, the designed pre-class activities by educators for flipped science education showcase exceptional potential in enhancing student learning experiences. Moreover, the interaction of students with short instructional videos within the flipped classroom paradigm has yielded notably positive outcomes. These videos have emerged as essential tools for introducing novel subject matter ahead of scheduled classes, as well as for facilitating vibrant in-class discussions and engaging activities. The studies, such as Rossi [50], have reported that merging pre-class video lectures contributed to elevated student engagement and improved learning outcomes in science education. Additionally, the adoption of digitized materials has been demonstrated to empower students in cultivating self-paced learning dynamics [51] and enriching their grasp of foundational concepts. Collectively, the pre-class activities within the framework of flipped science education emphasize its efficacy in improving student engagement, promoting proactive learning methodologies, and ultimately enhancing overall educational achievements.
The role of in-class activities plays a key role in developing the quality of student learning encounters in flipped science education. These activities were tailored to actively immerse students in the subject matter and foster peer interaction, diverging from the traditional lecture-centered approach. By relocating initial content exposure before the class via readings, instructional videos, or collaborative tasks, the class time was subsequently allocated to hands-on practices, concept application, discourse-oriented engagements, and team-driven learning initiatives [52]. Such an approach empowered students to put their knowledge into action, pose inquiries and actively engage in experiential learning. In the flipped classroom model, the classroom setting was conserved for purposeful interactions and immersive learning experiences to enhance students’ engagement and motivation toward learning science [53] [54]. To actively involve remote learning students, Christiansen et al. [55] innovatively developed a satellite campus using the Utah Education Network ( as a platform for conducting training and educational activities. The skillful implementation of in-class activities by educators provided a student-centric learning environment that cultivates vital skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaborative ability when learning scientific concepts [56] [25][57]. The physics educators introduced two significant teaching methods: peer instruction [9] and just-in-time teaching (JiTT) [58]. Although these methods were not originally formulated for the modern flipped classroom framework, they become integral to the majority of flipped science courses, finding application during in-class sessions. It was observed that these activities effectively assist students in rectifying misconceptions and resolving cognitive dissonance during in-class sessions [59]. Throughout the class duration, instructors and students utilized diverse instructional strategies, encompassing both individual and collaborative activities. These approaches served as effective tools for developing cognitive skills and enhanced conceptual understanding among students [57]. Flynn [60] implemented classroom activities, including the 'think-pair-share' and 'predict-observe-explain' techniques. These strategies were designed to evaluate students based on their engagement and active involvement during the learning process. Certain educators incorporated collaborative/cooperative activities including jigsaw exercises, group discussions and presentations, software tutorials, and Oxford-style debates in remote sessions [61]. This dynamic learning environment has been composed through the utilization of the "breakout room" feature offered by Zoom ( During the COVID-19 pandemic, the in-class sessions of another flipped biology classroom were conducted via teleconferencing and live-streaming sessions [62]. Additionally, Chat Apps were occasionally utilized as an innovative alternative for delivering course content, including scientific videos and images. Another essential component of flipped courses was incorporating in-class student group discussions. The flipped classroom model enabled the allocation of more in-class time to be dedicated to group discussions and other interactive learning scenarios [63]. The integration of group discussions into the flipped science course made students more engaged, and active contributors to their learning, resulting in outcomes and satisfaction with the course. Typically, during group discussions, instructors guide students to collaboratively solve problems formulated based on pre-class resources. Certain educators [64] consciously included group discussions in their in-class meetings to avoid alternative and naive conceptions, and the students also found this activity enjoyable after brief lectures [65]. Tune et al. [66] found that the in-class discussions made students pose more precise inquiries about core content and follow up with additional questions in comparison to their counterparts in a traditional classroom setting. The combination of in-class quizzes is another approach that provides instant feedback, develops a deeper understanding of the pre-class material, and enhances students’ engagement [67]. Instructors need to design questions that assess students' understanding and promote critical thinking. Sailer and Sailer [68] highlighted the effectiveness of gamified quizzes not only enhances the learning process but also facilitates the acquisition of application-oriented knowledge. Similarly, Christiansen et al. [55] conducted a comparison between in-class and at-home quizzes within a flipped course framework. They concluded that for flipping organic chemistry courses, the preferable choice is in-class quizzes over take-home quizzes. Designing classroom activities within the flipped pedagogy offers flexibility. For instance, in certain courses [69], students were granted the freedom to relocate within the classroom and utilize their available technology resources. This approach empowers students to address challenging problems with the combined guidance of both technology and the instructor. The flipped classroom model also recognized for blended learning strategies, facilitates the incorporation of various pedagogies, thereby enriching the science learning experience. The incorporation of various pedagogical approaches such as peer-led team learning (PLTL) [70], process-oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL)[71], problem-based learning (PBL) [31], and team-based learning (TBL) [72] with flipped classroom methodology influenced students for its potential and enhanced their learning outcomes. The merging of such instructional methods with the flipped model created a more effective learning environment during in-class sessions. The flipped classroom, with its pre-class content delivery, primes students for active participation in collaborative activities characteristic of approaches like PLTL and POGIL. These collaborative methods promote peer interaction, problem-solving skills, and the application of knowledge [73]. In particular, collaborative learning strategies merged with the flipped classroom not only enhance conceptual understanding but also communication skills, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities. The educators can increase the engagement rate of the flipped classroom by blending these pedagogies resulting in a more enriched and holistic learning experience. Nearly all the studies reviewed in this section highlight the positive impact of in-class activities within the flipped classroom setting. The combination of both pre-class and in-class activities constantly results in the enhancement of student academic performance and increased engagement in science education.
The research reports examined the consequences of the flipped classroom on both student learning outcomes and their perceptions of the methodology, thereby emphasizing numerous merits essential in this instructional model [74]. Significantly, the flipped classroom exhibits promise in elevating academic achievements among lower-performing students, while also providing support to a heterogeneous group of learners [75]. In this section, we probed into the consequent outcomes and advantages that the flipped classroom affords within the domain of science education thereby offering profound insights into its efficacy and its potential to reshape pedagogical approaches. In a study by Naibert et al. [76], data from the classroom observation protocol in undergraduate STEM (COPUS) was collected. This data was then utilized to enhance their in-class activities, which involved modifying their lecturing style, implementing peer instruction methods, and enriching collaborative learning that helped students learn effectively. In the context of a secondary school chemistry course [25], an assessment of pre-class learning tasks was conducted via the Ningxia Education Cloud. This widely utilized learning management system facilitated the collection of extensive feedback from students. The authors measured problem-solving skills using four subscales (i) understanding, (ii) representing, (iii) executing and (iv) reflecting. Each subscale was rated using a Likert scale and results revealed that the flipped course has a positive effect on students’ problem-solving skills. Research investigation acknowledges that a diverse range of factors affect the orientation of differences observed in students' cognitive learning outcomes when comparing the flipped classroom against the conventional classroom setting. These factors include a spectrum of elements, including the way of designing the learning materials for the flipped classroom and the technologies used [77]. It was noticed that the pre-class materials designed using the principles of cognitive load theory helped to ease the stresses on students' working memory [78]. van Vliet and co-workers' [79] research showed that the implementation of flipped-class pedagogy has yielded developments in students’ metacognitive aptitude and collaborative learning strategies. These results showed the enhancements in their motivated strategies for learning questionnaire (MSLQ) components of "critical thinking," "task value," and "peer learning." They also recommended the flipped classroom framework as a potent and invaluable pedagogical approach for higher education. Another study reported the development of creativity and critical thinking among university students studying medicine and human biology [80]. Moreover, these students have expressed satisfaction with their experience in this context. The flipped classroom model is also well-known for enhancing students’ motivation and engagement in science education [21], [81]. Its flexibility enables personalized active learning and collaborative activities to sustain student engagement. The approach's emphasis on self-directed learning provides a sense of ownership, positively impacting motivation. Research indicates that the flipped model improves positive emotions, overall elevating motivation and satisfaction, making it a potent tool for enhancing student engagement and motivation toward learning science [82]. The positive outcomes observed by the educators in their research are given in the form of a word cloud in Figure 3. Overall, the science educators observed enhanced student engagement, active participation, and deeper understanding of concepts through the implementation of the flipped classroom approach in science education.
Word cloud represents the different phrases given in the literature to define the students’ benefits in flipped science classrooms. The larger the word/phrase, the more frequently the phrase was used in the literature.
The flipped classroom model gathered substantial attention in the field of science education, primarily due to its methodology to increase students’ learning outcomes. Numerous meta-studies on flipped classroom techniques have already been published in the past five years [83][84][85][77][86]. Within this pedagogical framework, students immerse themselves in course materials beyond traditional class hours, facilitated by pre-recorded lectures or readings. This approach promotes a more participatory and collaborative educational experience when students organize in the classroom. In the flipped classroom, students derive value from the convenience and accessibility of video lectures, the independence to regulate their learning pace, and the efficacy of engaging in active learning exercises during face-to-face sessions.
Pre-class learning materials: From the literature survey, it was observed the teacher's own video for pre-class activities in a flipped science course offers several advantages over relying on free sources or pre-recorded traditional classroom videos. Firstly, the teacher's video can be tailored to specifically address the learning objectives and needs of the particular course. This level of customization ensures that the content aligns precisely with the curriculum, enhancing its relevance and effectiveness. Secondly, the teacher's video allows for a personalized and engaging approach. Educators can infuse their unique teaching style, enthusiasm, and insights into the video, establishing a stronger connection with the students. This personal touch can stimulate a more positive and engaging learning experience, potentially increasing student motivation and understanding. Furthermore, using the teacher's video ensures consistency in teaching and messaging. It avoids discrepancies in content quality, style, or emphasis that might arise when using various free sources or pre-recorded videos from different educators. This consistency contributes to a smoother transition between pre-class activities and in-class discussions. Additionally, teachers can promptly address student questions and concerns that might arise from their video, facilitating a faster and more personalized response. This interactive aspect is often lacking in pre-recorded traditional classroom videos or free sources. More importantly, the instructors prioritize ensuring that every student has access to digital devices, recognizing their crucial role in facilitating pre-class learning.
In-class Tasks: In terms of in-class activities, the instructors possess the flexibility to tailor in-class activities according to their students' understanding levels and engagement. However, when the flipped classroom is integrated with other pedagogies, the in-class activities reflect a combination of both the flipped methodology and the merged pedagogy. For instance, the instructor designs activities to foster collaboration if the flipped learning framework is combined with a pedagogy emphasizing collaborative learning. In such cases, the course design should adhere to the principles of both merged pedagogies to ensure a cohesive and effective learning experience. In-class activities, as discussed, encompass a dynamic range of collaborative exercises, problem-solving ventures, and interactive discussions. These activities, carefully tailored to the flipped science course's objectives, cultivate a deeper understanding of complex concepts, encourage peer engagement, and promote critical thinking skills. The benefits of these activities extend beyond the classroom, equipping students with the tools they need for real-world application and further academic pursuits.
Engaging students in group discussions within the in-class sessions of a flipped science classroom, particularly in subjects like physics, chemistry, and biology, presents both distinct benefits and challenges. On the positive side, these discussions promote active learning by encouraging students to actively dissect complex concepts, share diverse perspectives, and collaboratively solve problems. Moreover, students develop vital teamwork and communication skills that are essential for their future careers in scientific fields. However, challenges emerge in this approach as well. Crafting effective discussion questions that include the complicated aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology requires careful consideration to ensure meaningful engagement. Ensuring equitable participation among all group members and managing varying levels of prior knowledge can be complex. Additionally, time constraints within the class session might limit the depth of inquiry that some topics demand. Overcoming these challenges necessitates well-structured discussions, thoughtful facilitation, and strategies to accommodate diverse learning needs.
Integrating in-class quizzes into the flipped science course has proven beneficial on several fronts. These quizzes provide instant feedback, enhance understanding of the pre-class material, and student engagement in learning. However, there are challenges to navigate. Designing questions that effectively assess comprehension while encouraging critical thinking demands careful consideration. Additionally, managing quiz time within the class schedule requires thoughtful planning. Technical issues related to quiz administration platforms and internet connectivity can also arise, impacting the seamless conduct of quizzes. Addressing these challenges with strategic solutions can maximize the advantages of in-class quizzes, ultimately contributing to a more interactive and effective learning experience. In the flipped framework, the active engagement and commitment of teachers hold supreme importance. While the implementation plan and materials ideally should be established before the commencement of the course, instructors possess a level of flexibility to adjust in-class activities in response to students' reflective insights.
The data for this study was collected from the four databases and screened based on PRISMA guidelines. In contrast to research in physics and biology education, the exploration of flipped classroom pedagogy in chemistry education has been more extensive. A significant proportion of flipped classroom studies in physics were presented as conference proceedings. Given the focus of this article on the review of high-quality peer-reviewed research, numerous recent articles about flipped science courses, particularly in physics education, were omitted from this study. From the survey it was noticed that the flipped classroom model presents diverse benefits for science education, effectively enhancing motivation and engagement among students. Its flexibility permits personalized pacing, accommodating varied learning schedules and preferences. The approach's emphasis on active learning strategies promotes critical thinking, problem-solving skills, creative thinking, and sustained engagement through collaborative group activities. Moreover, students take charge of their learning journey, ownership, and responsibility. This approach encourages interaction and communication with instructors and enables profound exploration of complicated scientific concepts. By extending learning beyond traditional hours, the flipped classroom improves accessibility to learning materials and resources. Catering to diverse learning styles, it integrates theory and practice, preparing students for real-world applications. Through one-on-one interactions with instructors and an overall surge in student satisfaction, the flipped classroom propels a positive transformation in science education, nurturing motivation, enriched learning outcomes, and lifelong learning attitudes. Research findings consistently emphasized the suitability of flipped pedagogy for enhancing science education across both secondary and higher education levels.